Ethics, compliance and complaints channel
The purpose of the OVIGANIC IBERICA Code of Conduct is to establish the general rules and principles of corporate governance and professional conduct that are applicable to all professionals and employees of the Company and that are valid to establish the guiding parameters of the corporate culture of the same, guiding the relationships between the people who work in it and between them and the rest of its interest groups, such as clients, business partners or suppliers, so that the values that OVIGANIC defends are fulfilled.
For this, the principles and guidelines that must be observed in the development of the Company’s activities and relations are established, both internally, with all those employees, managers and administrators, who in the exercise of their functions may make use of of the name of the Company, as well as externally, in the market and with the rest of its operators.
For its part, the OVIGANIC Crime Prevention Manual specifies the criminal liability regime for legal entities, catalogs the risks derived from its activity that could result in the commission of criminal offenses by the Company and establishes control measures in order to prevent the commission of crimes that may give rise to criminal liability.
This set of behavior standards and policies seeks to facilitate the development of OVIGANIC’s daily operations in an ethical, serious, professional and honest environment in accordance with the most basic principles of contractual good faith and always complying with current legislation in in order to avoid the commission of any type of crime.
Likewise, OVIGANIC in compliance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, has an Internal Information System whose purpose is to establish a information communication procedure, and subsequent investigation, regarding conduct or facts related to an allegedly criminal action or omission or that falls within the scope of application of said Law, defining mechanisms aimed at offering due protection against possible retaliation against the complainant , and integrated, essentially, by an internal channel of information or complaints and by a procedure for managing the information or complaints received. Likewise, it has been designed, implemented and managed in a secure way, so as to guarantee, at all times, the confidentiality of the identity of the informant and of any third party mentioned in the communication, and of the actions carried out in the management and its processing.
Detailed information on the operation of this complaints channel as well as the OVIGANIC Compliance Policy can be obtained at the following link.
In conclusion, OVIGANIC IBERICA constantly works, directly and indirectly, for regulatory compliance and ethics, considering intolerable and condemning any illegality or behavior that can be labeled as not being socially responsible or unethical.