The Conselleiro de Medio Rural, José González, signs a collaboration protocol with our general manager, Joaquín Garrido. In this way the Xunta de Galicia and Oviganic Ibérica S.L. are committed to promote the sector and increase the number of Galician sheep and goat farms, as well as to ensure agri-food industrialization projects in the community.

The agreement represents a firm commitment with the transformation of the Galician agri-food sector, betting to promote the added value of the products of the community.
The Conselleiro emphasized that this type of cattle ranches allow to put in value lands of scarce agronomic value by their characteristics of slope, stoniness, accessibility or difficulty of mechanization. In addition, they are the most difficult to manage in the event of forest fires. In this way, support for this type of production encourages economic activity, promotes competitiveness and the integral development of rural areas, and at the same time facilitates territorial reorganization and advances in the anticipation of fire prevention.
On the other hand, both Xunta de Galicia and Oviganic Ibérica S.L. are committed to ensure the viability of projects that complete the transformation and give added value to the products from Galician farms. The aim is, therefore, to promote a complete transformation carried out in the community, in a stable manner and favoring short marketing channels, thus improving, on the one hand, the local economy, and on the other hand, reducing the carbon footprint linked to any industrial process.
In addition, a joint commitment is established to disseminate this type of livestock farming among neighboring mountain communities, forestry promotion societies and among dairy production and processing companies.
This is another step taken by Oviganic Ibérica S.L. to promote and support entrepreneurship and the economy in Galicia. And it is already 35 years, developing in Monforte de Lemos -in an innovative and exclusive way- programs of industrialization and commercialization of dairy products of cattle, sheep and goats.
In this line, we are immersed in the expansion of our plant for the production of final products of high specialization and added value, such as whole and skimmed milk powder, demineralized whey powder, butter and other raw materials for industrial products.